What's your current solo queue build? (2024)

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    Veroles Member Posts: 868

    June 2023 edited June 2023 in General Discussions

    My current perk build in solo queue is:

    • Inner Healing
      • I mainly use it in situations where i am forced to heal myself.
    • Bond
      • A perk what gives insane amount of information about literally everything: Where a chase is going, where mates are at, where you can take the chase while not interrupting others, it helps when you are dead on hook so when a chase comes closer you can hide better. And so on.
    • Balanced landing
      • It gives me mostly an additional loop possibility and can extend a chase when well used.
    • Sabotage
      • It works pretty well to detect and sabotage Scourge Hooks when i am able to reach it what happens more often than i thought first. Often i am also able to save someone else which is deadhook by tanking a hit and directly sabotage after it but needs to get done very accurate. (If killer doesn't run STBFL)

    Overall this build is a really good build for a lot of different situations.

    What's yours?


    • Nazzzak Member Posts: 4,553

      June 2023


      At the moment it's Windows of Opportunity, We'll Make It, Overcome, and Prove Thyself (for the extra bp). I change my build up alot, though We'll Make It will probably stay for the foreseeable future as it comes in handy so much now.


    • Trollinmon Member Posts: 690

      June 2023


      Sprint burst, Self-aware, Deliverance, and Off the record

      SB+OTR for tunneling

      Deli+SA for being a sneaky boi and reducing the downside of deli

      Deli+OTR to help deal with camping and tunneling

      SA+OTR for being a sneaky boi that can counter killers that hard tunnel by being able to vanish

    • Ricardo170373 Member Posts: 623

      June 2023


      Lucky Break

      Built to Last

      Bite the Bullet


    • GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 801

      June 2023


      I feel like I can't live without Empathic. Also using Unbreakable, Balanced Landing and Borrowed. Sometimes I'll replace BT with WGLF

    • Nazzzak Member Posts: 4,553

      June 2023



      I used LB, Overcome, and BTB with a medkit for about a week last year and had to stop as the game became too easy. I think i had the most escapes ever in one week using that. Such a strong combo.

    • edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,015

      June 2023 edited June 2023


      Sole Survivor+Wake Up+Left Behind+Windows

      I wish I was joking. My perks have no bearing on the outcome of the matches, so I take the build that will give me a chance of escaping the likely disasterpiece. There's a 50% chance someone is going to d/c or not have their monitor turned on.


    • humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,734

      June 2023


      Distortion - balanced landing - quick and quiet - and kindred

    • MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

      June 2023


      Prove Thyself + Resilience + Adrenaline + Lithe

      Item = Commodious Toolbox + BNP + Socket Swivels

    • Hannacia Member Posts: 1,138

      June 2023 edited June 2023


      We'll make it. = I tend to save a lot of people and its a good counter for slobby. Saves time from healing and has helped me save a lot of people in endgame.

      Adrealine = Strong perk. I don't need to rely on teammates for healing that much when theres only 1-2 gens left. Saved my butt multiple times.

      Sprint Burst = Meep meep!

      Vigil = I'm just addicted + it stacks with other vigils. Me and my BF both use vigil so when we are close to eachother we get our exhaust perks back in 24 seconds <3 Also helps with other stuff so not a bad perk at all.

      Item wise. I'm a all rounder but i tend to use medkits. Medkits or flashies.

    • Tatariu Member Posts: 2,924

      June 2023


      • Hope
      • No One Left Behind
      • Reassurance
      • Boon: Circle of Healing

      I love playing support & being rewarded in the end game!

    • EmmaFrostyEyes Member Posts: 685

      June 2023



      Mine was no one left behind adrenaline lithe and blast mine. Other than no one left behind i havent changed my build in a year really

    • Beatricks Member Posts: 857

      June 2023


      1. Kindred: Anyone that says the HUD system has rendered this perk irreveleant has absolutely no idea what they are talking about and should not be taken seriously. Gives vital information for both you and your team, I used to run it all the time and now that I have once again put it back on, I'm not taking it off in SoloQ ever again.
      2. We'll Make It: One of the best survivor perks period. You save an insane amount of time, you get a lot of BP for unhooking and healing plus it helps with pipping. I love it very much and I never want it nerfed.
      3. Prove Thyself: Can be incredibly clutch when you need to finish that last gen 1-2 seconds faster than normal. Also, helps with BP gain.

      The last slot is currently occupied by DS because I still have the achievement to unlock where I end a chase by hopping into a locker 35 times. Otherwise I either run Reassurance to counter facecamping, buy time for a tunneled survivor on death hook or do a driveby if the Killer is proxycamping. Or Unbreakable, For The People and Lithe depending on how my matches are going.

    • Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,025

      June 2023



      Since MM is based on hockey I also play a lot with Sole Surv and Wake Up. Why not Clairvoyance instead of Left Behind? 64m is better than 32m, right?


    • Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,025

      June 2023


      I have a lot of different loadouts and change them often. Playing the same thing over and over again is boring. I have chase oriented builds, survival builds, sneaky "I'm not there" builds, locker builds, gen builds, etc. When the Entity punishes me with Survivors from Hell, I switch to Sole Survivor, Wake Up, Distortion and Inner Nancy .

    • Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,046

      June 2023


      Windows, Adrenaline, Deja vu, We’ll make it for teamplay.

      Or Hyperfocus, Stack out, Adrenaline, Windows for solo carrying the whole lobby.

    • sulaiman Member Posts: 3,213

      June 2023


      Bond, for the reasons you stated.

      Clairvoyance, because i get a fighting chance if the first one down suicides or dcs

      the rest changes, usually

      lithe, because it gives an advantage if you are found

      self care/inner healing (self care if i see someone with a map, they often go for all totems)/proof thyself

      I really think about replacing one of them with sole survivor.

      Please notice that i dont play for hatch right away, and if only 2 survivors are left, i still do gens, unless i notice the other one is not. (had killers search around my gen for 1 minute, not finding me, trough bond i knew the other was nowhere near, but still didnt touch a gen in this time? Yeah, i stop doing that too).

    • I_CAME Member Posts: 1,121

      June 2023


      OTR, Resilience, Windows, Adrenaline. Chase me instead of my solo queue teammates please.

    • Katzengott Member Posts: 1,189

      June 2023 edited June 2023


      Inner Healing, OTR, Windows oP and (still) Kindred. The no item cuz you don't really need it solo-build.

      If you cleanse the totem before you get hooked, healing in a locker doesn't count as... healing for some reason, that's why i run it with OTR (or DS). Now Boons got nerfed, my only nemesis are Pentimento builds. And my teammates, ofc. ^^

      Might change to Resillience, Windows, that new run-faster-while-injured-perk (what are they thinking?!) and Adre soon...

    • JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

      June 2023


      My solo builds are all over the place, I try all sorts of things, not that they always work out.

      Yesterday I was running SB, Distortion, Overzealous and Rookie Spirit. Something I had not realized that Rookie Spirit is kinda useful in determining the killers position. If you see a regressing gen appear while you are doing something, it means the killer just kicked it so you can tell if he's far away or not.


    • ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

      June 2023




      Off the record

      Prove thyself (will replace with new Deja vu probably. However those sweet BP are hard to let go)

    • Veroles Member Posts: 868

      June 2023



      Interesting. But if the exact killer position on Rookie Spirit is what makes the perk interesting for you, wouldn't Alert be a better choice?

      There are some perks that can trigger a regression without kicking a generator itself, while Alert reveals the aura if the killer isn't undetectable.

    • Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

      June 2023


      Empathy, Botany, Lithe, WoW

      I switch WoW around though, sometimes with Prove Thyself, Reassurance, Deja Vu, Kindred or a challenge related perk.

    • JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

      June 2023



      I equipped Rookie Spirit to see the aura's of regressing gens. Indirectly it providing the location of the killer is just an additional feature I had not considered before.


    • Veroles Member Posts: 868

      June 2023



      Ohh. Okay, so it's more a welcome side effect to it for you, i see :).

    • JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

      June 2023



      Yeah, not that it's that useful, most of the time I am on the other side of the map. But you never know. Kinda the best thing I can think of right now, since we still can't see what gens are being worked on by our teammates and I hate when I get chased off of a gen and no one comes to tap it or something :(. ANd vice versa of course.

    • edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,015

      June 2023



      I actually never thought of Clairvoyance, to be tbh. I'll probably start using it now.


    • JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

      June 2023



      Clairvoyance is great, unless you get a swamp map. Although there are two totem spawns that are almost 100% guaranteed, but it's a bit of an exposed area so killer can see you probably.

    • MrSlayer Member Posts: 189

      June 2023


      Deliverance, Unbreakable, Overcome, Self care.

      I don't like to count on other people.

    • Cyn0_0 Member Posts: 84

      June 2023


      Windows, Bond, Alert, Sprint Burst

      Bond, lightweight, self-aware, sprint burst

      And if I'm feeling a bit cheeky:

      power struggle, tenacity, Unbreakable, flip flop

      But literally 95% of games other survivors f-up the power struggle plays so I dont do that much 😅

    • Cyn0_0 Member Posts: 84

      June 2023


      Oh, and if I feel like I need to coordinate the solo team

      Irri map + purple and yellow beads

      Deja Vu, Detectives Huntch + either Bond or windows and an exhaustion perk

    • IamFran Member Posts: 1,600

      June 2023


      Detective's Hunch is for finding totems more easily, a good combo with Inner Strength and it is also usefull for finding hexes, chests and generator.

      Lithe and Windows of Opportunity for obvious reasons, haha.

    • RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,510

      June 2023


      Personally I run:

      Oh great... I forgot what it was... damn

      Well that goes to show how much I play Survivor (LOL)

    • jesterkind Member Posts: 7,040

      June 2023


      I've been experimenting a lot since I'm still newer to survivor and thus unlocking perks on everyone, but I've gotten a lot of value out of running Botany Knowledge and Streetwise alongside either a toolbox or a medkit. It's a toolbox, no brainer, I get a little more juice out of it because of Streetwise. If it's a medkit, I get to use it on myself because Streetwise undoes the efficiency penalty of Botany, and if I don't use it on myself it's even more useful on teammates. This combo also lets me search chests or pick up dropped items from sacrificed teammates and get a proper heal or a little more oomph out of them, which is nice.

      One slot always dedicated to Kindred. It's essential for solo queue.

      Other than that, I use Deja Vu a lot for avoiding an accidental 3-gen, I use Alert sometimes since it's surprisingly useful information, sometimes I run Windows and sometimes I run Lithe...

      I also had a build the other day containing Detective's Hunch, Circle of Healing, and Overzealous. It was... mixed, but when it worked it was pretty solid.

    • CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 1,615

      June 2023 edited June 2023


      I have two builds, a primary that I use 80% of the time and my secondary.



      Prove Thyself


      We'll Make It



      Prove Thyself


      Open Handed

    • Nightmarefan Member Posts: 62

      June 2023


      If i do play solo que these days I have to run Off the Record, Sprint Burst, Distortion and Unbreakable.

    • Jocelynbee Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Mod∙Co-ordinator › Posts: 1,194

      June 2023


      Inner Healing, Empathy, Deception, Head On. So I can heal a little of myself, find others to heal, and then be a little cheeky with the killer. <3

    • Ayodam Member Posts: 2,353

      June 2023 edited June 2023



      I use this but Spine Chill instead of windows. Lol

    • CrimsonMothKing Member Posts: 377

      June 2023


      Bond, Iron Will, Light Weight and Hope.

    • AMOGUS Member Posts: 482

      June 2023



      What is SA, haven't heard that acronym before.

    • Xernoton Member Posts: 5,170

      June 2023


      My current solo build is Windows of Opportunity, Bond, Lithe and Open Handed.

      All the information I could ever need and even something to help me in chase or avoid the killer.

    • KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 572

      June 2023 edited June 2023


      Some combo of bond, ds, windows, we'll make it, kindred, lithe, andrenaline, breakdown - which is really all the perks I ever actually use. It really just what I feel for the day and based on other matches I've had for the day.

    • Trollinmon Member Posts: 690

      June 2023



      For self-aware

    • Veroles Member Posts: 868

      June 2023



      Thanks to "bond" i am able to realize people also quite easy which wanna do head on plays.

      But just out of curiosity: How often does this combination work for you? Wanted also to play that multiple times but ... well... Mostly i get a killer which smells it already or a dredge.😅 (Stunning a Dredge with "head on" should really become an unique hidden achievement by the way @devs) 😀

    • LegacySmikey Applicant, Member Posts: 529

      June 2023




      Detective's Hunch

      Built to last

      (Strong toolbox)

      With that build I've only lost 1 of last 15 games (at 4 gens to a nurse on midwich)

      I know I don't really need kindred anymore (good to see a camping killer at least or find a teammate close by to heal me) & could replace it for a lot of other stuff but i've always favoured intel perks & they've always served me far better than anything else.

    • Verconissp Member Posts: 1,567

      June 2023


      Prove Thyself

      It has come in clutch for those Duo / Trio / Quad Gens...


      If you can be a good looper. then you'll benefit from being healed in a chase, (If your teammates does gens that is)


      To counter the Filthy Slugging of course,

      Balanced Landing (Any Exhaustion Perk Of Your Choice)

      I only Chose BL cause it's still useful to yeetus the feetus away yourself from top of main to another part of a loop,

    • Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,285

      June 2023



      I feel this on a spiritual level.

      Sole Survivor - Wake Up - Dead Hard - Adrenaline

      If Im with friends who kind of suck, but hey... still friends!

      Distortion - Wake Up - Dead Hard - Empathy

      Empathy is amazing for keeping tabs on where the killer is and knowing where to be for those flashight saves.


    • Nebula Member Posts: 1,392

      June 2023


      Bond, windows, resilience, and adrenaline has been my go to this patch

    • Jocelynbee Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Mod∙Co-ordinator › Posts: 1,194

      June 2023



      It probably has to do with my MMR but I get at least one Head On per game. If other survivors see me doing it in the soloq, I can also sometimes get their help in making fun plays with it. The best is when you find someone else who also has it and you two can do lots of silly things together. Making it work out is the best rush! Bonus build: if I just want to be a silly goose, I forgo the Empathy and Inner Healing for a Flip Flop/Boil Over or literally anything else with Power Struggle.

    • River_dbd Member Posts: 11

      June 2023



      Honestly I change up my perks a lot based on what I'm feeling like, but I tend to use flip flop and off the record in most of my builds if I can. Flip flop or unbreakable help a lot with sluggers and they work very well together. I find Off the Record to come in clutch with tunnelers/campers, too. Otherwise, I use perks that help me more than others because modern dbd nobody tends to help anyone anymore. Anyways, one of my more common builds is Off the Record, Boil Over, Flip Flop, and Head On. There is honestly no strategy behind these perks for me, I just enjoy using them. :)

    • Veroles Member Posts: 868

      June 2023



      I am kinda sure the afterchats are special.😂


    What's your current solo queue build? (2024)


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