1. A Moment to Remember (2004) - MyDramaList
Mar 5, 2012 · 27-year-old fashion designer Soo Jin goes into a convenience store to buy a Coke but accidentally leaves it on the counter.
27-year-old fashion designer Soo Jin goes into a convenience store to buy a Coke but accidentally leaves it on the counter. Remembering the Coke, Soo...
2. A Moment To Remember [내 머리 속의 지우개] - Soompi
Mar 8, 2005 · Le Directeur Lee JaeHan, he shot a movie called The Cut Runs Deep towards the end of the 1990s, released in Korea in 2000, dying a quick death ...
Starring:Jung WooSung, Son YeJinDirected by:Lee JaeHanYear:2004Rating:8 Synopsis (SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS)Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess in a white castle somewhere in Gangnam. She was so hot your tongue would fall off after seeing her, but for some reason, as the film started, she cried. OH MAMA. One of my friends started with the Another melodrama? Are you trying to impress the girls? routine, but wait: there's more.Anyway, the beautiful princess (Son I'm so hot you shouldn't breathe the same air with me YeJin) was just stood out by her now-former lover, a married man who couldn't come to the appointment. Oh! What terrible tragedy. As consolation, the princess bumps into a stranger (Jung I touched Jeon JiHyun's booty in that Giordano CF WooSung) and burps in his face, steals his coke and runs away. Fun, eh?Now before we go ahead with the story, JWS shoots 25 CFs... oh wait that's supposed to be smart product placement... I see. You know, SYJ's daddy in this film is veeeery understanding. He forgives her for loving a married man (that's like...100% death on most TV Dramas, right?), he's so forgiving. But somehow, when she falls in love with a carpenter under his supervision, he becomes red and things get all mushy mushy wow wow. So are you telling me this film is not realistic? A rich Korean parent wetting his pants over daddy's little girl marrying a bum? BINGO. There you have it.But then again, he sees how the two love each other and agre...
3. A Moment to Remember (내 머리 속의 지우개) – - Hanguk Yeonghwa
Feb 13, 2012 · Simultaneously released in 2004, Lee Jae-han's (이재한) A Moment to Remember (내 머리 속의 지우개) seemingly went head-to-head with Nick ...
Simultaneously released in 2004, Lee Jae-han’s (이재한) A Moment to Remember (내 머리 속의 지우개) seemingly went head-to-head with Nick Cassavetes’ The Notebook in portraying a love plagued by th…
4. [Movie 2004] A Moment To Remember 내 머리 속의 지우 - Forums - Soompi
Oct 15, 2005 · Starring the popular and attractive Son Ye-jin as the young woman and the equally popular Jeong Woo-sung as the carpenter, the film is built on ...
Son Ye Jin, Jung Woo SungI don't think a threads been made for this movie. Anyway, compeletely WONDERFUL movie. I love this couple. OMG! I never noticed, but the couple...they're cyring on the DVD cover. =[ So sad...QUOTESummary: "Nae Morisogae Chiugae" (A Moment to Remember), one of the latest t...
5. [촬영감독] 현직 촬영감독 4인 인터뷰 - KMDb - 한국영화데이터베이스
... 2004), <내 머리 속의 지우개>(이재한, 2004), <청춘만화>(이한, 2004) 등 ... 또, <내 머리 속의 지우개>에서 집에 돌아온 철수(정우성 분)가 아내 수진(손예진 ...
질문1. 어떻게 영화촬영을 시작하게 되었나. 질문2. 촬영 하면서 가장 염두에 두는 부분은 무엇인가. 질문3. 촬영한 영화 중 특별히 애착이 가거나 마음에 드는 장면이 있다면 무엇인가. 질문4. 본인이 촬영한 영화 이외에 촬영이 훌륭했던, 혹은 기억에 남는 영화는 무엇인가. 질문5. 존경하는 촬영감독이 있다면 누구인가. 질문6. 디지털 시대가 도래하면서 영화촬영 현장도 많이 변했다. 어떻게 준비하고 대응하고 있나. 김영철 1999년 <정사>와 <강원도의 힘>으로 황금촬영상 신인촬영상과 대종상 영화제 신인상을 수상했으며, <짝패>로 2006년 부산영화평론가협회상 촬영상을 받았다. 그 외 촬영작으로 <파이란><마들렌><누구나 비밀은 있다><가능한 변화들> 등이 있다. 답변1 | 초・중・고등학교 때 연극 연기를 했고, 연기 전공으로 대학에 진학했다. 대학 1학년 때 연기와 연출을 공부했고, - [출처 : KMDB]
6. [영화리뷰] 내 머리 속의 지우개 (A Moment To Remember, 2004)
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내 머리 속의 지우개 (A Moment To Remember, 2004) 감독 : 이재한 출연 : 정우성, 손예진, 백종학, 권...
7. Best Movies Like A Moment to Remember | BestSimilar
Movies Similar to A Moment to Remember: Always (2011), The Notebook (2004) ... Original name: 내 머리 속의 지우개. Genre: Drama, Romance. Country: South ...
Movies Similar to A Moment to Remember: Always (2011), The Notebook (2004), Architecture 101 (2012), Be with You (2018), The Vow (2012), April Snow (2005), The Classic (2003), Christmas in August (1998), Oasis (2002), Love Likes Coincidences (2011)
2004. Ban Ki-moon‟s visit to Turkey was a historic event because it. 3 ... movie called A Moment to Remember (내 머리 속의 지우개) was re-made to. You ...
9. Reverse Shot's Best of 2004
Museum of the Moving Image presents Reverse Shot: a different angle on moving images—past, present, and future.
Our annual roundups, including lists of Top 10 films, 11 Offenses, and 2 Cents
10. 66. A Moment to Remember (2004) 내 머리 속의 지우개...
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66. A Moment to Remember (2004) 내 머리 속의 지우개 (Original Title) The models are mainly used to establish that Cheol-su (Woo-sung Jung) is in fact an architect. There is a clear reference to Mario Botta in...